2024 - 2025
6A: Miss Walkley and Miss Dunn
6B: Mr Hamilton and Miss McCarthy
Mrs Kermalli also supports children in both classes
Dear Parents / Carers,
We are delighted to be supporting your child in their final year at English Martyrs'. In Year 6, children have the privilege of wearing red jumpers as they are example setters to the rest of the school. This year, children will also spend time preparing for their SATs. With this in mind, children are expected to arrive to school on time at 8.30 every day and to be ready for learning.
- Please listen to your child read their AR book every evening, this must be at least 10 pages or 30 minutes. Please sign their diary to acknowledge you have listened to them read.
- In addition to this, children are expected to write a few bullet points in their diary to summarise what they have read that evening.
- Homework will be set each Friday to be completed the following Monday. All tasks should be completed neatly in homework books.
- Additional homework tasks will be set online during the week.
- Children will be given a spelling rule to practise each Friday to learn for their spelling test the following Friday.
- All children should arrive to school prepared for learning, this includes bringing their school bag and reusable water bottle to school everyday.
- Children should come to school wearing their PE kit every Monday: only plain yellow t-shirts should be worn with black or grey joggers, (no brands please). Watches and ear studs must be removed and long hair tied back.
- Please ensure that children wear sensible black footwear to school Tuesday - Friday and have a coat to wear.
- Click here for more detail about our uniform policy.
Please feel free to speak to us if you have any questions, or email us: year6@englishmartyrs.bham.sch.uk
Many thanks,
Mr Hamilton and Miss Walkley