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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Year 6

6A: Miss Walkley and Mr Kinnersley

6B: Mr Hamilton and Miss McCarthy

Dear Parents / Carers,

The summer term is especially important for children as it is the term where they will sit their SATs.

  • Please ensure that your child arrives on time to school at 8.30 am every day to make sure they do not miss out on any important learning. 
  • Children will have home learning to complete every day to prepare themselves for the tests. This will be a mixture of paper based homework as well as online learning tasks. Word will be uploaded onto Sats Bootcamp, and Children should also make sure they are revising using their CGP books and completing the tasks in their workbooks.
  • Please continue to listen to your child read for at least 10 pages every day and sign their diaries so we know they have read.  

Many thanks,

Mr Hamilton and Miss Walkley
