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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Ordinary Time

Autumn 1 Prayer Focus Prayer cloths should be green to indicate the second period of Ordinary Time in the Liturgical Year.


Our School’s Mission Statement is at the heart of everything we do, it is part of our Golden Thread.


We have a Harvest Mass, a time to give thanks to God for the harvest. We will donate food items for St Chad's Sanctuary, this links to Catholic Social Teaching principles of ‘Stewardship of Creation’ and ‘Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.’


October, the Month of the Holy Rosary, we will spend time in prayer focusing upon this.  We also joined in with the Sursum Corda rosary afternoon.


Autumn 2 Prayer focus cloths are still green which is the colour for the Liturgical season of Ordinary Time until the season of Advent begins on Sunday 1st December when they are changed to purple.


November - the month of the Holy Souls. Pray the Eternal Rest for family and friends who have died and for those who have no one to pray for them. At this time of year, prayers can also be said for those who are bereaved.

Year 4 are leading the Mass in November and we will create prayers for the dead to offer up at this Mass.

Some of our Celebrations during Ordinary Time
