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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Look at our Work!

Some of our recent work:


Blessing the prayer Garden

In History, in preparation for our next block of learning ( Anglo- Saxons and Vikings) we recapped our leaning from year 3. Using our retrieval skills we remembered what we have already learnt. 

In English we have started looking at setting descriptions. Today we went on an adventure to look for clue to what our model text is about. We thought about using all our senses. 


In DT this term, we are making slingshot cars.

As part of our science learning, we went to Martineau gardens. Where we learnt all about food chains, habitats and classification. We even go to taste different plants, like rhubarb and mint.

In Summer, we are looking at living things and their habitats. We have started by grouping, classifying and identifying animals and leaves. We then make our own classification keys.  

Walk for water
