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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

School Meals

Healthy Eating

All our School lunches are healthy and vegetarian. Children are  encouraged to select their own healthy food choices from a range of hot food and the salad cart.

Our lunch break is from 11.45am to 12.30pm for the Key Stage 1 children and 12.15pm to 1.00 pm for our Key Stage 2 children.

Packed Lunches

We encourage our children to make healthy food choices and ask that packed lunches do not contain sweets or chocolate bars. Foods containing nuts are not permitted as we have children with nut allergies.

School lunches

Meals are prepared by Birmingham City Council- Cityserve. Since September 2014 the government has introduced an initiative to ensure School lunches are free for all children from Early Years up to the end of Year 2. Children in Key Stage 2 maybe entitled to free school meals. Please contact the school office for further information.

For all other children school lunches are priced at £2.60 per day (£13 for 5 days). 

In school we use the online payment system: Squid  Pay for the payment of school dinners.



Gallery - please click to view

Our healthy school lunches

Salad cart

Salad cart

Our friendly staff

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