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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Home Learning

Year 3 Expectations


  • Please remember to read every night with your child and record this in their Reading Diary.
  • This Reading Diary should be in school every Monday and Friday for us to check that you are reading every night with your child.
  • Home Learning will be given out on a Friday and this should be returned the following Friday - this includes recording in the home learning book as well as the pack of learning.
  • Please spend time learning the times tables with your child.
  • 10 weekly spellings will be sent home in the Home Learning pack for you to learn together with your child, and then on the following Friday, we will do a weekly spelling tests of these words.
  • 8 words will be dictated in a sentence by the teacher - to ensure your child understands the context of how these words are used.
  • Your Child has been allocated a day in which they can do an AR Quiz, based on the book they have been reading with you at home and with me in school. Hopefully they will achieve top marks!!!
  • Home Learning should be written in pencil!
  • Presentation should reflect our school's expectations!

