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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Year 6

15th - 18th November - Ani-Bullying Week

Unicef Day – 14th October

Today in class we looked at ‘dignity’ what it meant and how we all have it at birth and that we must develop a dignity for ourselves and others.

After that we discussed being safe in school

For the rest of the day we rotated around activities to develop our understanding of the abcde of the rights.

  1. Rights are for all-Universal

We made a collage, with flags, of the countries in the UN. Researching which country the flag belonged to.

  1. Rights are there at birth – Inherent

We looked at the lives of 3 influential women, Rosa Parkes, Mary Seacole and Harriet Tubman. We completed a variety of activities.

  1. Rights cannot be taken away – Inalienable

We researched what life was like for children in the past, the Late Elizabethan, Georgian and Victorian.

  1. Rights do not have to be earnt- Unconditional

We studied the life story of Malala Yousafzai, what does she campaign for and then recorded inspirational quotes from her.

  1. All rights are equally important- Indivisible.

Here we sorted a set of cards into wants and needs and discussed our differences of opinion. We had to agree a final 6, which proved difficult.





Y6 Learning about our rights - Autumn 2021

6A Class Charter

6B Class Charter

In preparation for our Harvest celebrations, Clifton Food Bank Comes to English Martyrs'. 


Click on the link below to find out more...
