As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.
Our Role in School
The aim of the Governing Body is to work with the Headteacher and the staff, in order to help our children achieve their full potential in a happy and caring environment.
The key ways in which we do this is by
The Governing Body is representative of the school's community with a wide range of experience and expertise.
Various sub committees can when strategically identified and incorporated focus on for example -
finance, staffing, curriculum, safeguarding and health & safety. These sub committees will report termly to the Full Governing Body.
We welcome views from pupils, parents and the wider school community and can be contacted at the school address.
Current List of School Governors
Governor Name | Type of Governor | Chair (CH) or Vice Chair (VC) ROLE | Connections to Staff Yes or No If yes Who & How | Term of Office End Date | Other School Governor Posts Held
Name of School & Governor Role | Business Interests Declared Yes or No If Yes please state
Mrs S O Meally | FOU |
| N | 24/01/2028 |
Foundation Governor at St. Peter's Catholic Primary, B32 3QD | None |
Mrs M Winters | FOU |
CH SEND | N | 17/01/2028 | Foundation Governor at St Bernadette's Primary School Yardley B25 8QL | Husband occasional supply |
Mr P Mc Donald | FOU | VC Pupil Premium | N | 31/08/2024 | Assistant Head Teacher -Archbishop IIsley Catholic School | None |
Mr J Hall | FOU | N Safeguarding Child Protection | N | 15/12/2027 | No | None |
Mr M Silva | FOU | N Catholic Life | N | 19/04/2025 | No | Yes |
Mrs E Harper | HT | N | Yes- | N/A |
| Daughter is employed as SENCO |
Mrs Shroff Deputy HT | Staff | N | N | 15/12/2024 | No | None |
Mrs Ahmed | PG | N Attendance | N | 04/11/2025 | None | |
Mrs R Price | FOU | N CPD | N | 16/02/2027 | No | None |
Mr M Shafi | LA | N | N | 24/06/2027 | No | None |
Mr A Choglay | PG | N | N | 04/11/2025 | No | None |
Clerk to Governors: Attingham Education
LA-Local Authority nominated or appointed Governor
PG-Elected or appointed Parent Governor
STF-Staff Governor
FOU-Foundation Governor, appointed by Diocesan Education Service
AS-Associate Member
Attendance Record 2023/24 (Academic year)
Governor Name | FGB Meeting |
Mrs S O Meally | 1/3 |
Mrs M Winters | 3/3 |
Mr P McDonald | 3/3 |
Mr M Silva | 1/3 |
Mrs E Harper | 3/3 |
Mrs J Shroff | 3/3 |
Mr J Hall | 33 |
Mr A Choglay | 3/3 |
Mr M Shafi | 0/3 |
Ms S Ahmed | 3/3 |
Mrs R Price | 3/3 |