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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Important Notices and Dates for your Diary

SATs Week

Monday 13th May : English grammar, punctuation and spelling

Tuesday 14th May: English reading

Wednesday 15th May: Maths: Paper 1: Arithmetic
                                                            Paper 2: Reasoning

Thursday 16th May: Maths: Paper 3: Reasoning 

Important Notices

PE for children in year 6 is now on a Tuesday. They should arrive to school dressed in their PE kit. This should be a plain yellow t-shirt or black hoodie, plain black shorts or joggers pumps / trainers. 

For safety reasons, no jewellery should be worn and hair that is shoulder length should be tied up. 


If your child is going swimming they should attend in full school uniform and bring their swimming kit to school. 


Be on time at 8.30!

Learning begins from the moment your child arrives in class from 8.30 - this is the opportunity for child to complete an accelerated reader quiz on the book they have been reading at home. Between 8.30am and 8.45 your child can have hot toast or a bagel before the register is taken at 8.45. What a fantastic way to start the day!
