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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.

Important Notices and Dates for your Diary

Be on time at 8.30!

Learning begins from the moment your child arrives in class from 8.30 - this is the opportunity for child to complete an accelerated reader quiz on the book they have been reading at home. Between 8.30am and 8.45 your child can have hot toast or a bagel before the register is taken at 8.45. What a fantastic way to start the day!


Year 6 Study Plan Meeting 

11.09.24 at 9.00 in the school hall

You are invited to attend our study plan meeting where we will be discussing what the you child will be learning about during the autumn term as well as information about applying for a secondary school place for your child.  


Year 6 visit to St Chad's Cathedral

Year 6 will be visiting St Chad's Cathedral in the City Centre on the 26th November.

Children are expected to wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch. 

PE and Swimming

In autumn 1, 6A will have swimming lessons every Monday at Sparkhill swimming pool.

In autumn 2, 6B will have swimming lessons every Monday at Sparkhill swimming pool.


When children are not swimming, they will need to attend school wearing their full PE kit. 

SATs 2025

The KS2 SATs will take place on the week beginning Monday 12th May. 


Monday 12th May 2025 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: Paper 1 and Paper 2 
Tuesday 13th May 2025English Reading 
Wednesday 14th May 2025

Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic

Maths Paper 2: Reasoning 

Thursday 15th May 2025Maths Paper 3: Reasoning 

