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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.


We are a Welcoming School

We went as a staff team to St Chad's Sanctuary, Birmingham to reflect upon the people who are seeking Sanctuary in Birmingham. This experience inspired us to want to support their work.

Staff Voice about our Visit to St Chad's Sanctuary

Food Giving to St Chad's Sanctuary

More food, toys and board games - donated during Refugee Week

We raised £317.17 for Refugee Action

May Procession in honour of Our Lady, the Refugee.

We prayed for the work of The School of Sanctuary, for St Chad's Sanctuary and those who they serve.

17th May 2024

We crowned Our Lady with recycled paper flowers. Each flower has a prayer about LiveSimply - with a special focus on being a Welcoming School

World Day of Culture

21st May 2024

Year 1 World Culture Day

2A World Day of Culture - We celebrated our many traditions, language, food and music

Year 4 World Culture Day

As part of World Culture Day, year 4 learnt about each other cultures and created posters on all the different cultures we have in the classroom. We also looked at the culture of Birmingham, and what its mean to be a 'Brummie'. All day we listened to music from different counties around the world. 

World Culture Day in 5B

For World Culture Day, 5B shared interesting facts about their culture and then listened to a range of music from different cultures. We even had some dancing to the songs!

Refugee Week

17th - 21st June 2024
