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As a learning community centred in Christ, we walk hand in hand with God on our journey in faith.





In Reception we work alongside children to ensure they grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens, both in school and within the wider community. By learning about their rights they also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others.


Below are some examples of how Reception have be learning about our rights!



World Book Day!


Today Reception celebrated ‘World Book Day’ where they came to school dressed up as their favourite characters from books they have read. Children had fun taking part in different reading activities


They also talked about their right to an education (Article 28) and how not everyone gets to read lovely stories like we do.


Monday 15th of November marks the beginning of ‘Anti-bullying week’.

In Reception we talked about the importance of kindness and what we would do if we ever saw someone being bullied.

We reflected on the Virtues we show to one another when we are kind.


In Reception this week we have been learning all about Diwali! The Hindu celebration of light.

We talked about the Article 14 and 31 the right to a religion and the right to take part in different cultural activities. We asked questions and compared similarities and differences between faiths. 



To celebrate Harvest this year Reception investigated Laudato Si by Pope Francis.

We talked about why we need food banks and   we discussed how we can change our world for the better to ensure people around the world have an equal access to food.


Today children celebrated our Rights Day! We took part in a discussion about our rights. We talked about how we feel valued, included and safe in school. We also thought of examples of how teachers help us enjoy our rights!


We also discussed the meaning of dignity and how we show and treat others with respect. 




To celebrate the start of Black History Month Reception have been learning about Africa. We have been busy reading stories, dressing up in traditional African clothes, learning African dancing and creating beautiful African art!  We talked about articles 2 and 12 and shared the story 'Welcome to our World' where we discussed our similarities and differences and how wonderful that makes the world! 

Harvest Reflections

Reception have been busy this week celebrating Harvest! We have been thinking about Harvest and not wasting our food to make sure everyone has enough food to eat.

Children discussed why it is important to share with others less fortunate that themselves.



World Habitat Day Celebrations!

World Habitat Day Reflections


Today Reception celebrated 'World Habitat Day'. We talked about what a habitat is, and the importance of caring for our world. We discussed global goals 13-15 and how we can care for animals' habitats so they stay safe in the future. 


Recycling Champions in Reception!

Litter Picking in Reception


This week in Reception this week we have been talking about the importance of keeping the world a clean and happy place. We have been looking at Article 24. The right to a clean environment and Global Goal 15. life on Land. We have been exploring different ways in which we can reuse and recycle our rubbish in order to keep our environment clean and animals safe.

World Peace Day in Reception


Today Reception celebrated 'International Peace Day' where we discussed what peace is and what it looks like in our lives. We talked about Global goal 16 and how we can show peace to others. We drew pictures and took part in a class discussion.

Introduction to the Rights

Reception's ABCDE of Rights


This week Reception learned about our rights and talked about what a right is and how we can protect our rights and the rights of others. We also learned about the ABCDE of rights and how rights are for all children and young people throughout the world. 

Mary Our Mothers Birthday Celebrations!


Reception celebrated Mary our Mother's birthday where we celebrated Mary and women everywhere! We looked at global goal number 5 and talked about important women in our lives, and in our wider community.

Our First Day at School!


Today Reception joined the family of English Martyrs' Primary School. We talked about global goal 4 about the importance of having an education and how appreciative we are that we get to come to school each day and learn.  
