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At English Martyrs’ we strive towards shaping assured, happy, resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths. The children shall become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills support them across the wider curriculum. Mathematics is integral to all aspects of life and, with this in mind; we endeavour to ensure that our pupils develop a life-long, positive and enthusiastic attitude towards Mathematics. The Mathematics curriculum equips pupils with a powerful set of skills to help them understand and change the world: not only the ability to calculate (being mathematically fluent) but also the ability to apply these skills to real life scenarios (solve problems) and also to talk articulately and knowledgably about mathematical working (reasoning).










At English Martyrs', we use White Rose: a scheme that follows the Teaching for Mastery Programme and is fully aligned with the 2014 national curriculum for maths.

What is Maths Mastery?

Teaching maths for mastery is a transformational approach to maths teaching which stems from high performing Asian nations such an Singapore. When taught to master maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without resorting to rote learning and are able to solve non-routine maths problems without having to memorise procedures.

How does it work?

Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) is  highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. Often referred to as the concrete, representational, abstract framework, CPA was developed by American psychologist Jerome Bruner. It is an essential technique within the Singapore method of teaching maths for mastery.

White Rose schemes start with blocks on Place Value, followed by the essential calculation skills children need to succeed in maths. This firm grounding in number gives children confidence and helps them to access the rest of the maths curriculum.

Schemes use a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to support children to understand the maths they are learning and to be able to use it elsewhere.  The “small step” approach means nothing is left to chance – all curriculum objectives are broken down into accessible parts that build on each other so the learning journey is complete.

White Rose schemes cover at least the expected content for each year group in the National Curriculum. They also support the development of reasoning and problem solving as well as fluency (with example questions again provided for each small step) so that all the aims of the National Curriculum are met. Schemes also highlight where the links to the DFE’s “Ready to progress” criteria.

In line with their mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics, schemes

are split into blocks that allow plenty of time for thorough study of every topic. Teachers are encouraged to use this knowledge to make the schemes work for them, adding extra time where necessary for topics that need most attention and adapting other learning accordingly.


Daily fluency sessions secure and embed previous learning as well as helping pupils to make connections and see links enabling them to know more and remember more.








Maths Curriculum Statement
